2017 MAHROS Brush

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Stock NumberMII002.06


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General specifications of the automation line MAIN FEATURES: · Automatic loading and unloading of panels in stacks; · Automatic evacuation of service panels upon loading · Automatic management of service panels / pallets upon unloading; · Possibility of manual loading/unloading of panels for special needs (e.g. revisions, urgent pieces, etc.); · Possibility of quality control with operator first panel of each batch after SQB 2; TYPES OF PANELS THAT CAN BE WORKED: · Chipboard / MDF panels; Raw panels with a density greater than 650 kg/m3, honeycomb panels with a perimeter frame of at least 30mm thickness and already squared, without protruding veneer. DIMENSIONS OF WORKABLE PANELS: Min./max. length: 230 – 3200 mm Min./max. width: 225 – 1200 /1250* mm *for panels with this width the introduction of the stacks to the load must be equal to +/- 10mm Min./max. thickness: 10# – 60 mm Maximum weight of individual panels: 60 kg #minimum thickness for use of mechanical detacher at load: 12 mm DESCRIPTION OF THE MACHINES: LOADING STATION SQ.B. LINE "BRUSH-HS CSL/D" N. 1 The station is composed of: LOADING BRIDGE BRUSH-HS "12-32/D" with portal structure double sampling. Fully automatic machine that does not requires manual adjustments. The horizontal and vertical movements of the carriage and arm are carried out on prismatic guides with sliding blocks ball recirculation with automatic lubrication. The motion is obtained via toothed belt driven by "Brushless" motors. The SUCTION CUP HOLDER FRAME for picking up the panels is made up of two bars, each with 18 automatic suction cups of 90 mm diameter, of length 3000 mm which are positioned automatically (200 ÷ 500 mm) depending on the width of the piece to be lifted. On a bar it is Installed a side-operated panel detachment device pneumatic: can be used for single and double transverse row stacks. Allows you to repeatedly raise and lower a single row of suction cups; the inclination of the upper panels facilitates the detachment of the panels underlying. AN ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT for axis interpolation (PLC) equipped with operator interface with graphic programming display, It is used to manage the station's work cycle. PROGRAMMING · possibility of storing 99 work programs in memory. · possibility to configure parameters and functions according to the needs of processing. · display of production data relating to the program in processing. · display of signals and alarms, with description and any recommended action. No. 2 MECHANICAL DETACHERS "12-32-2F-HS" with centering motorized which guarantees the detachment of even the non-motorized panels coated. Can be used for single and double row stacks with difference maximum height from the top of 5 mm for panels with thicknesses from 12 to 18 mm and 8 mm with panels of thickness between 19 and 60 mm. Single row cross working mode: the bar pushes the panel(s) on the wedges of the opposite bar, preparing it for the collection by the loader. No. 2 RMT MOTORIZED ROLLER CONVEYORS ON THE GROUND 1000X4860 with the function of collection stations, allow the automatic exchange of stacks and thus guarantee continuity of work. Speed of feed rate 9.5 m/min, roller pitch 200 mm, capacity 1000 Kg/m. RMT equipped with millimetric reference lines. LOAD TRANSLATOR LS with left reference guide equipped of sheet metal and horizontal adjustment with handwheel. Structure in profile of extruded aluminum. Length 7040 mm and width 1600 mm with rollers 60 mm diameter covered in PVC with 128 mm pitch operated by two independent motors with variable speed via inverter from 20 to 60 m/min. BASIC MACHINE FUNCTIONS · automatic adjustment based on panel size (length, width and thickness). · automatic adjustment of the charger speed according to the frequency with which the system requires panels. · control of the work rate based on the request for panels of the plant. · possibility of exiting the service panels from the loading side or from the side of the operating machine with the use of exit roller conveyors optional · possibility of working multiple stacks of panels in the longitudinal direction (one to four stacks) and single or double stacks in a transverse direction. · multiple batteries must be attached, WITHOUT SOLUTION OF CONTINUITY, without gaps between panels to be loaded. PANEL TURNING STATION FOR SQ.B. LINE "GP DC/A-L" The station is composed of: GP/DC-A DOUBLE CONE PANEL TURNER with guides left reference, entrance with wheels rubberized and with foil exit, both adjustable with handwheel. Structure in extruded aluminum profile. The machine allows the translation and rotation of the panels from the longitudinal to the transverse direction. It is consisting of an input translator of length 4480 mm and width 1600 mm with diameter rollers 60 mm PVC covered with 128 mm pitch operated by a motor with variable speed via 20 inverter at 60 m/min. The panel rotation group consists of two rubber-coated cones with interchangeable tips and variable rotation speed with inverter. Motorized working thickness adjustment with encoder managed by electronic machine control operator (Sq.B.) The lower cone can be excluded pneumatically by electronic control. A pin pneumatic exclusion neutral helps the rotation of the panels. The output translator is 2240 mm long and 3070 mm wide is equipped with rollers diameter 60 mm covered in PVC, pitch 96 mm powered by two independent motors with speed variable via inverter from 12 to 37 m/min. Output The translator is equipped with front stops which allow the panel to be aligned. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The operation of the machines is guaranteed within the following environmental conditions: min/max temperature: +10 ÷ +35 °C relative humidity min/max: 5 ÷ 80 % UNLOADING STATION SQ.B "BRUSH-HS SS/D" N. 1 The station is composed of: BRUSH-HS "12-32/D" UNLOADING BRIDGE with portal structure double storage station. Fully automatic machine that does not require manual adjustments. Horizontal and vertical movements of the carriage and the arm take place on prismatic guides with sliding blocks ball recirculation with automatic lubrication. The motion is obtained by toothed belt driven by "Brushless" motors. The SUCTION CUP HOLDER FRAME for picking up the panels is made up of two bars, each with 19 automatic suction cups of 90 mm diameter, of length 3000 mm which are positioned automatically (200 ÷ 500 mm) depending on the width of the piece to be lifted. AN ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT for axis interpolation (PLC) equipped with operator interface with graphic programming display, It is used to manage the station's work cycle. PROGRAMMING · possibility of storing 99 work programs in memory. · possibility to configure parameters and functions according to the needs of processing. · display of production data relating to the program being processed. · display of reports and alarms, with description and possible recommended action. No. 2 RMT MOTORIZED ROLLER CONVEYORS ON THE GROUND 1000X4000 with the function of storage stations, allow the automatic exchange of stacks and thus guarantee continuity of work. Speed of advancement 9.5 m/min, roller pitch 200 mm, capacity 1000 Kg/m. No. 1 The motorized roller conveyor on the ground is equipped with translation on rails, in order to optimize the unloader stroke. BELT UNLOADING TRANSLATOR with fixed reference guide left and right mobile with pneumatic accouterment function. Both guides are equipped with rubber wheels. Profile structure extruded aluminum. Length 4000 mm and variable width from 210 to 1200 mm with fixed belt on the left side and moving belts, on axle controlled according to the widths of the panels to be removed, on the side right. Variable belt speed via inverter from 30 to 89 m/min. The translator is equipped with a pneumatic retractable stop (positioned at translator start) and a motorized stop with controlled axis adjustable according to the lengths of the panels to be removed. GP/DC-G-B DOUBLE CONE PANEL TURNER with fixed reference guides on the left, PVC-coated at the entrance and in exit with wheels in rubber. Structure in extruded aluminum profile. The machine allows the translation and rotation of the panels from the transverse direction to the longitudinal one. It consists of an input translator 1600 mm long and width 3070 mm with 60 mm diameter rollers covered in PVC with 96 mm pitch driven by a motor with variable speed via inverter from 20 to 60 m/min. The panel rotation group is made up of from two large rubber-covered cones with tip interchangeable and variable rotation speed with inverter. Regulation of the motorized working thickness with controlled axis. The lower cone is pneumatically excludable by electronic control. A free pin pneumatic exclusion helps the rotation of the panels. The output translator is 4480 mm long and 1600 mm wide. equipped with 60 mm diameter rollers covered in PVC, pitch 128 mm driven by a motor with variable speed via inverter from 30 to 89 m/min BASIC MACHINE FUNCTIONS · automatic adjustment based on the dimensions of the panels (length, width and thickness). · automatic adjustment of the unloader speed based on the frequency with which the system requires panels. · possibility of introducing service panels from the unloading side or from the side of the operating machine with the use of loading rollers optional. · possibility of forming multiple stacks of panels in the longitudinal direction (from one to four stacks) and single or double stacks in the transverse direction. · command to perform quality control of the first panel.
